
Willoughby de Mèche and me, being born in the same town on the same day, and no more than a quick, 30-second-fuse apart, were naturally destined to grow up fast friends in Firecracker, Tennessee. But to me he was always…
Willoughby de Mèche and me, being born in the same town on the same day, and no more than a quick, 30-second-fuse apart, were naturally destined to grow up fast friends in Firecracker, Tennessee. But to me he was always…
Hook Stone woke in the rear bedroom of his deer camp and saw a halo of white light on his bedroom ceiling. He blinked a few times and yes, a halo was still up there. He blinked some more, trying…
If she weren’t going on the trip, she’d be starting community college in a couple of weeks. She was trading education for an experience, something not many in her small town of Vergennes, Vermont, understood. Except for her grandmother Nell.…